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22-01-2024 Bulletin


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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Welcome to the New Year​

We hope you had a restful end of 2023 and joyous start of 2024.

It’s going to be another big year for ASCILITE! Our new strategic plan will be out soon so expect to hear more about that in the next few months so if you have issues/topics that you think will shape our world in 2024 and 2025 please please reach out to the senior executive (Michael Cowling, Elaine Huber, Mark Schier) to see if we can incorporate it into the new plan.

There are the TELAS workshops, the SIG webinars, the 2024 Research School and 2024 Melbourne Conference and plenty more to look forward to so keep an eye out for the biweekly Bulletin for all the latest news from ASCILITE and our MoU partners – and get involved.

Michael & Elaine
2024 ASCILITE President & Vice-President

ASCILITE 2023 Awards report​

AJET Distinguished Reviewer Award

  • Dr Jason Harron, School of Instructional Technology and Innovation, at the Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University (USA).

Student Bursaries (three recipients)

  • Alice Shihua Yu, Monash University “Use of Instructional videos
  • Weerapperuma Arachige Dimanthinie Laleen De Silva, Queensland University of Technology, “The world where we shall dwell – tomorrow
  • Thu Ha Bui, Monash University, “Technology practice as socially situated

Community Fellow

  • Lynn Gribble, UNSW

Innovation Award

  • Lauren Humby, Trisha Poole, Alex Charchar, University of Southern Queensland, “Emoji reactions: An innovative solution for garnering immediate student feedback in an online educational context
  • Tam Nguyen & Christine Mathies, UNSW Business School, “myBCom: a gamified student-led platform for professional skill development and holistic assessment

The Allan Christie ASCILITE Innovation Award

  • Tam Nguyen & Christine Mathies, UNSW Business School, “myBCom: a gamified student-led platform for professional skill development and holistic assessment

Anthology Educational Designer of the Year Award, in memory of Allan Christie

  • Lisa Bugden, University of New England, “New Early Childhood course design


  • Jason Lodge, University of Queensland,
  • Laura Gregory, Queensland University of Technology

ASCILITE Life Member

  • Chris Campbell

ASCILIITE 2023 Conference reference material​

The proceedings and companion material from the ASCILITE 2023 Conference in Christchurch are now available online.

The conference recordings are available via the Virtual Platform and/or the Conference App until 01 July 2024. Details on downloading the app were included in your original “ASCILITE 2023 Conference – welcome to delegates” email (sent between 24 Nov and 3 Dec from [email protected] (along with your password)). You must be signed in to access the recordings (and any personal notes and connections). As a reminder the Event Code was “ascilite2023”.

2024 ASCILITE Conference to be held in Melbourne​

SAVE THE DATES 1 – 4 December.Keep up-to-date with the Conference on the website.


2024 AI in Higher Education Symposium – Australia & New Zealand​

When: 7 February 2024
Where: The University of Sydney and online (hybrid)
More information: here
hereOver the last year, educators have been doing some amazing things with generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Midjourney, Cogniti, and others. At this half-day regional symposium, we invite educators from higher education institutions across Australia and New Zealand to meet and share their creative and authentic uses of generative AI to improve teaching, learning, assessment, and curriculum. By collaborating and sharing practice, we can respond and innovate more quickly to the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in higher education.

We welcome all educators who work in higher education – lecturers, educational designers, professors, academic developers, tutors, educational technologists, and any other educators. After all, we can only address generative AI if we work together.

EDEN Annual Conference​

When: 16-18 June 2024
Where: Graz University (Austria)
More information and registration: here

The conference theme is “Learning in the Age of AI: Towards Imaginative Futures”. At EDEN 2024, we invite you to join us in a thoughtful exploration of the rapidly evolving landscape of education, as we adapt to the ever-increasing presence of AI and digital systems. Our experiences in the journey with AI are still young and can be described as stories of trial and error, so sharing our experiences, expectations and hopes is vital. The digital revolution has ushered in exciting, promising, and imaginative changes, but it is also testing our beliefs about learning and education.

More thematic fields in digital education are also open in the Call for papers tab.

ACODE Name Change​

As of their November 2023 AGM ACODE will no longer be known as the Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning. Their new name is the Australasian Council on Open and Digital Education.

Invitation to the Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024​

When: 19-21 March 2024
Where: Sydney Masonic Centre | Australia
More information and registration: here

The Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024 is the first event in Australia designed for secondary and tertiary education leaders tasked with harnessing the power of generative AI while avoiding the risks. Over two jam-packed days of content, networking and learning, you’ll meet and hear from the revolutionaries at the forefront of generative AI from both the education and technology sectors. These leaders are already using the technology to drive their organisations forward and will share insights you can implement in your institution.

The Summit will cover everything you need to take the next step in embracing this technology, from evaluating, choosing and implementing the right AI tools, to mitigating risks, understanding potential issues and discovering how you can re-skill your teams. You’ll leave the Summit prepared to improve your processes, increase efficiency, provide real benefits to students & staff, and avoid the reputational & ethical risks that come with this ground-breaking new technology. View all speakers here.

Register with VIP code ‘ASCILITE10’ to save 10% off the registration fee for ASCILITE members. Book online here or call +61 (0)2 9977 0565.
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